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Recognizing Insurance Companies' Bad Faith Tactics

Ever filed a claim with an insurance company for an auto, property, personal injury, or other loss and been given the runaround, had your claim denied, or were offered what seems like pennies on the dollar? If so – and it happens too frequently – you may have been the victim of an insurance company’s “bad faith” tactics.

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Your Rights to Retirement Assets

After spiking a bit in 2019, the divorce rate in Texas dropped to 2.1 divorces per 1,000 inhabitants in 2020. The figure a year earlier was 2.6.

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The Importance of Seeking Medical Attention After a Car Accident

Every year, thousands of Texans sustain injuries in car accidents. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, car accidents across the state result in over 128,000 injuries per year, of which more than 2,000 occur in Corpus Christi and other parts of Nueces County.

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The Do’s and Don'ts of Speaking with An Insurance Adjuster

Every year, traffic crash injuries and fatalities often result in huge medical expenses, work loss costs, and an immeasurable burden on the accident victims, their families, and friends. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, the estimated economic loss of all motor vehicle crashes in Texas in 2019 was $39.2 billion.

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Why Who You Choose as Your Defense Attorney Matters

In 2019, Texas law enforcement made more than 805,000 arrests for violent and property crimes. Some people arrested have been wrongly accused while others committed the crime.

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Family Law Matters in Texas

If you need a family law attorney, we understand that this is most likely a difficult and painful time in your life. We can help you understand the legal implications of the change that you are going through, and make sure your rights are fully represented.

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